Cast Aside All Doubt

by:  Ernest Holmes

Cast aside all doubt, O Soul of mine, and be unafraid, for Thy power is from On High.
He who sitteth in the heavens shall be Thy champion;
Thou need not fear; Come forth, O Spirit, from within and express Thyself through me and let not my doubts hinder Thy approach.
My faith shall go forth to meet Thee, and my confidence shall embrace Thee.
My waiting thought shall bid Thee welcome to my house of Love,
And joy shall accompany us through the ages yet to come.
I lay aside all fear and doubt.

Chris Sopa is founder and owner of Chris Sopa International, Inc. You can learn more about her at Find her at, Twitter @ChrisSopa, LinkedIn, and .


Choosing the Life You Were Born to Live:  How Changing Your Thoughts Will Change Your Life” by Chris Sopa published by Balboa Press.

Purchase your copy!

Kick Me

Do you ever feel as if you must be walking around with a “kick me” sign on your back?  A BIG sign…like, one so big the Universe even sees it and says “ok, no problem!”  When this imaginary sign is on your back, nothing in your world goes right.  No matter what you do or say, ouch, another kick in the behind.

I spent the holiday week with a “kick me” sign on my back.  I have to say that I am pretty sure this past week was the worst week of my life, even worse than the one when my Dad crossed over.  There comes a time in everyone’s life when they have to look in the mirror and see a shadow…that one thing you know has been there, lurking right in front of you, but you haven’t had the courage to do anything about it.  But now you know it’s time. Who said courage was easy anyway?  This past week I found my courage…but it broke my heart.

We all make mistakes.  Mistakes are how we learn our lessons.  Some mistakes affect only us, but some affect those around us as well.  Those are the ones that are the hardest.  Hardest for those who realize they made the mistake and hurt others and hard for those in the sidelines who watch and are affected and hurt by that mistake.

When we are faced with doing something that is hard, we lose our breath, can’t focus on anything, have a sudden urge to run away from it all and either want to be totally alone or around a ton of people so we do not have to face what we are certain will come up if we are left alone.  The movie, “A League of Their Own,” with Tom Hanks has a classic line I sometimes repeat to myself when life gets tough:  “If it were easy, everyone would do it.  The hard is what makes it great!”  This line reminds me that it is the hard times in our lives that make us who we are.  Those who we look up to and admire because of who they are or the life they have, have that kind of life because they made choices (hard choices) others may not have had the courage to make.

Courage is not acting without fear; it is acting in spite of fear.  When you feel lost inside because of something that has happened to you or someone you love, there is one thing and one thing only that is the cure to feeling better:  YOU.  Life is made up of hard choices and painful events.  It is not what happens to us that makes us, it is the choices we make after that “something” happens that build us into who we will become.  Tragedies, death, poor choices made by the ones we love dearly, financial hardships…all of these things are enough to break a normal human.  But, you are not just human.  You are a divine spiritual being having a human experience.  That means you are more than the physical body you can touch and the feelings you are currently feeling.  You are an essence that never dies, feeds off of joy and loves unconditionally.  Never underestimate your true divine nature.  We are all small pieces of God on earth playing a role to help move humanity forward.  No one said it would be easy.  You cannot take away other peoples lessons just to spare them pain.  Your path is the only path you can walk.  Don’t try to live your life and everyone else’s at the same time…trust me, it will only exhaust you.  Live your life the best you can and remember to take one day at a time, breathe, choose those who surround you wisely, feed your mind and body positive, nourishing “food,” and practice trust.  Trust that you knew what you were doing when you came here and trust that God has your back.

I’ll pray for you if you pray for me?


Chris Sopa is founder and owner of Chris Sopa International, Inc. You can learn more about her at Find her at, Twitter @ChrisSopa, LinkedIn, and .


Choosing the Life You Were Born to Live:  How Changing Your Thoughts Will Change Your Life” by Chris Sopa published by Balboa Press.

Purchase your copy!

Faith or Fear?

There I was, sitting at my kitchen table in the new house my husband and I had just bought.  It was 2003.  I had a stack of bills in front of me that always seemed to be higher than the amount that was in our checking account needed to pay them.  I had just come through a life-threatening illness and was finally asymptomatic.

I recently had returned to my corporate job after four months of being on short-term disability.  I knew it was a mistake but the bills had to get paid.  After all, I had a responsibility to my family to take care of them.  The problem was, no one was taking care of me…including myself.

I sat there staring at the pile of bills and a question hit me:  Which one can I do more without, money or my health?  It was then that it hit me.  If I continued down the same path that made me sick, I would surely end up sick again.  Nothing changes if nothing changes.  I had to make a change in order to keep my health.  Money means nothing unless you are healthy and feel good to enjoy the benefits having money brings.  Who wants to travel when they are sick?  Who can enjoy their beautiful house if they are working all of the time and then when they are home, they are in bed because they are so exhausted?

It was then that I made a choice.  I chose to leave my corporate job and start my own business where I had the flexibility to choose how to spend my time as well as how much money I deserved to make.  I chose faith over fear.  There were a lot of unknowns in front of me.  Would I be successful?  What exactly would I do?  Would I make enough money?  What if I didn’t?  I decided I could not afford to be afraid and took the leap.  My life depended on it.

Now, almost 10 years later, I can tell you a few things that I learned about choosing to make my decision on faith instead of in fear.

Finally, every single day take time out to do at least one activity that nurtures you and your soul.  Do something that brings you joy even if it is only for 10 minutes.  If you find that fear creeps up on you again, realize that the only thing that changes from one moment to the next is the thought you are holding in your mind.  Change your thought, do something kind for yourself or someone else and watch with open eyes what the world looks like when you see it through the lens of faith.

Trust me…it is a beauty!  😉

Love you,


Chris Sopa is founder and owner of Chris Sopa International, Inc. You can learn more about her at Find her at, Twitter @ChrisSopa, LinkedIn, and .


Now on the Best Seller list at Balboa Press, “Choosing the Life You Were Born to Live:  How Changing Your Thoughts Will Change Your Life.”

Click here to purchase your copy!


Trust, even if your future seems uncertain.

Trust, even if you have no idea how your situation could ever improve.

Trust, even if you feel alone and abandoned.

Trust, even if your heart is shattered.

Trust, because your strength comes from trusting that everything always gets better with time, that miracles do occur and that prayers are answered in illogical ways.

Trust, because God loves you for who you are right now and has a wonderful plan in the works for you that you cannot yet see or feel…but you soon will.

Don’t quit 5 minutes before the miracle happens!


Revealing the Truth Prayer

Lord, I ask that you give me very clear guidance so that I can easily notice and understand in order to reveal the truth about this situation to my conscious awareness.  And so it is…Amen.

Live an inspired life!


Chris Sopa is founder and owner of Chris Sopa International, Inc. You can learn more about her at Find her at, Twitter @ChrisSopa, LinkedIn, and .


“Oh, God, help me! And I walked faster, my thoughts pursuing me, and I began to run, my frozen shoes squealing like mice, but running didn’t help the thoughts to the left and right and behind me. But as I ran, The Arm, that good left arm, took hold of the situation and spoke soothingly: ease up, Kid, it’s loneliness, you’re all alone in the world; your father, your mother, your faith, they can’t help you, nobody helps anybody, you only help yourself, and that’s why I’m here, because we are inseparable, and we’ll take care of everything.” 
John Fante

Running doesn’t help.  Sleeping, drugs or alcohol only create an illusion to make it go away for a little while.  No matter where you go or what you do, you can never get away from it. You are always there.  How many times have you said, “I just need to get away!” and you do…only to find out when you get to that “get away” place, nothing has changed but the scenery.

I don’t know about you, but lately my life has felt as if I am in the middle of a huge haboob (the word us Arizonians use for a dust storm)!  When I look in the mirror I see the same ole’ (notice I said “ole” and not “old!”) Chris but something has changed.  I look around my life and feel as if I am standing in a place where a haboob just moved through and wiped out everything in its path.  People that were in my life are gone or have changed drastically (or is it “I” that have changed?), what I used to do for my business to make money does not seem to be working anymore, my oldest child is choosing a path for her life, that although I know it is her choice, is very hard and painful for a parent to watch, and I have felt more alone lately than I ever have in my life.  What used to work no longer works and when I try to make the old work, things seem to just get worse.

So, I made a decision.  I remembered recently a conversation I had with a friend who said to me that when your life seems to be falling down around you all that means is that the finger of God has come down to touch your life…not even us humans can make that big of a mess!  In order for change to occur and new, beautiful things to enter our lives, “the old” has to go.  But we hang on for dear life…hanging onto that pole as the haboob winds toss us around screaming, “NO!  I won’t let go!”

Nothing of heavenly importance can be figured out with the human mind.  There is no logic to heaven.  If your life seems in chaos right now, rejoice!  That is a sure sign that God’s hand is in it, sweeping away the old (since you wouldn’t do it yourself because you were holding on so tight) so he can bring in the paradise and dreams you came here to experience.

So what was my decision?  To finally let go of the pole I was holding onto so tight and allow the haboob winds to take me in their arms.  Yes, there is a risk to just whipping around in the uncontrolled wind, but let me ask you this?  Trying to completely control the situation…how is that working for you?  I don’t know about you, but for me, it’s not anymore.  I choose to let God’s winds take me…take me home…take me to the next chapter in my life…wherever.  I choose to let God have my back.

“Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you’d walk with me all the way.  But I have noticed during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints.  I don’t understand why when I needed you the most you would leave me.”

The Lord replied, “My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you.  During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”
~Author Unknown, “Footprints

Blowing in the wind,


Chris Sopa is founder and owner of Chris Sopa International, Inc. You can learn more about her at Find her at, Twitter @ChrisSopa, LinkedIn, and .

“Woo-Woo” Alert!

There is a time to do what you want to do and a time to do what you were meant to do.

Those of you who know me well know that I possess the gift of insight.  I can see, hear, intuit and feel things about people, places and situations.  I personally believe we all have these gifts and the more we use them, the more we trust them and when we trust them, they simply show up more.

Every morning I have a routine of meditating and spending at least 30 minutes of quiet time reflecting on my day ahead.  It is my way of “screwing my head on straight” before I embark on my day.  This morning I was hit with an intense sense of needing to share with all of you the insight I received for the rest of the week.  I received four different messages so I will relay them to you in four parts.  As you read, please remember to interpret the messages as they pertain to you and your situation.  Only you know what is best for you…no one else.

Coming to a Close

Something of extreme significance is coming to a close.  Whether it is a project you have been working on, a relationship you have been in for awhile or a decision you have been battling with to make…something is ending.  With every ending is a new beginning and you should feel wonderful about what you have accomplished thus far.  Because of all of the hard work you have put in and how far you have come, rewards and recognition are imminent and a golden opportunity awaits you as you begin your new journey.

What is Real?

You are witnessing a tremendous amount of change happening in your life and these changes are happening very, very rapidly.  Something is making you feel as if you are trapped and a very strong message comes through in letting you know that the entrapment feelings are not based in reality – it is an illusion.  There is a truth that needs to be faced in order to release the illusion and see the truth and it has to do with YOU.  Take off the “mask” you are wearing due to fear and take responsibility for what you need to take responsibility for.  Fess up!  The energies will bring it up on their own if you do not and it is always more painful when it has to happen not by our own choice.  The focuses you have currently around material things (such as money) are only to fill a deep craving you have for inner peace and to fill an emotional void.

You are Ready!

Whatever it is that is changing around you or coming to a close is frightening to you because you feel you are not ready for what is to come next…but you are!  You are moving onto something new (a new house, a new relationship, a new job, realizing a dream, etc.) and have grown spiritually throughout the process which will serve you going forward.  Feelings of gratitude, optimism and joy are of paramount importance right now in order for you to welcome the clarity that will be entering regarding why this is all occurring as it is.  Allow yourself to sit in gratitude for all that has occurred and what you have learned and allow the peace and contentment swirling around you to come in (and know you are worthy of feeling that way!).

Make a Decision

You are going to need to make a pretty big decision regarding something of extreme importance to you and please be aware of “hidden agendas.”  In order to see the decision clearly, you will need to make sure you “clean house.”  Remove anybody or anything from your life that you feel does not serve your highest good, release all judgments about people and why things happen as they do and use humor to lighten up the situation (it is always a good practice to not take yourself too seriously).  You may notice things “stall” around you temporarily to give you time to make this decision.  Slow down, listen to your heart and choose wisely.

Go for it! 😉


Chris Sopa is founder and owner of Chris Sopa International, Inc. You can learn more about her at Find her at, Twitter @ChrisSopa, LinkedIn, and .

“You Can’t Handle the Truth!”

“Until we see what we are, we cannot take steps to become what we should be.” ~Charlotte P. Gilman

Anyone who has coached with me has heard me say over and over again, “We cannot get to where you want to go until we define where you are now.”  Many of us have goals.  We have aspirations of what type of person we would like to become, places we would like to visit, our ideal career, the amount of money we would like to have…you name it, we know for the most part where we want to be in the future.  Now, ask that same person about their present situation; how they like their job, why they have a habit of never keeping their word, why they cheat, or even as simple as how their marriage is and the answer is either a blank stare or a platitude of some sort to avoid the question.

Why is it that we avoid the truth of who we are?  Maybe its embarrassment because down deep we know we can do better or maybe it’s that we fear who we really can be if we just let go of the fear?  Either way, the only way you can move forward in life is to look straight in your own eyes, define the type of person you have allowed yourself to become (good or bad) and make a choice.  A choice to change, a choice to move on and a choice to finally live the life you were born to live.

You know what you are here to do.  Yes, you do.  It is that feeling in the pit of your gut that nags at you all day long.  That feeling that comes directly from the things you dream about that bring you joy.  The feeling that comes when you are doing that “thing” that you can do for hours, non-stop and lose all sense of time.  Stop telling yourself it is impossible, that you “can’t” because you have responsibilities, that you are too old, that you had a bad childhood, that if your parents would have been different you could, that if you weren’t in this relationship you could…STOP!  What do you want to do?  Who do you want to be? Start believing in yourself and do something about it instead of spending endless hours reading and watching others live their dreams.  How many lives do you think you have?  This is not a dress rehearsal.

Shift from Entitlement to Humility; Control to Trust; Attachment to Letting Go; Fear to Faith.

Our Deepest Fear…

is not that we are inadequate,
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?”
Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some of us,
it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

~ Marianne Williamson

Honoring the truth,


Chris Sopa is founder and owner of Chris Sopa International, Inc. You can learn more about her at Find her at, Twitter @ChrisSopa, LinkedIn, and .


“Never retract, never explain, never apologize; get things done and let them howl.” ~Nellie L. McClung

Charge!!!   No…not with your credit card!

As fast as life is moving lately, doesn’t it seem that you are either getting a lot done or nothing done at all?  What exactly is the secret to checking off all of the items on that to do list of yours?

The secret to action and getting things done (charging ahead) is not in the “doing,” it is in the “being.”  Focused positive thinking leads to action.  The problem most have is not being able to maintain focus long enough on what they want for it to show up in their lives.  We are too busy thinking and worrying about what is NOT showing up, what is lacking and our suffering.  Life is like a highway.  You can spend most of your time on the side of the street labeled “suffering”, which is an endless loop that brings you back to the same place no matter which way you turn; disappointment.  Or, you can spend your time on the other side of the street labeled “gratitude” where you accept what is (even the suffering that may come) and realize that no matter what turn you take there is always a lesson to greet you that moves you further along your path in a positive life direction.  Once you get the lesson that is trying to be learned and are grateful for the experience that brought the lesson, then the action you need to take makes sense.  It is clear.

Five years ago my father was dying of cancer.  He lived in Cleveland and I lived in Maryland.  I had two teenagers, a husband, a house, and a business to run.  When life hits us with a curve ball or when we have a ton of things on our plate, it is hard to know what to do first?  What is the priority?  The priority is what you SAY it is.  I said my father was my priority.  I did what I had to do (communicated with my immediate family about why I was in Cleveland so much, had back up speakers for my clients, etc.) in order to be where I wanted to be when something occurred.  Knowing your top 3 priorities at any given time is a must for right action.  Balance is not a 50/50 split of work and home time; balance is giving your energy to those things you say are important in your life right now – your priorities.

Take some time today to list your top priorities.  Also, ask yourself this question:  “If God appeared in front of you right now and told you that you could experience only ONE feeling for the rest of your life, what would it be?”  (Happy is not allowed!  Put some meat on the bone!)  For example, mine is inner peace.  Use this feeling when you need to make any decision and ask yourself, “Does this thing, event, or person (etc.) give me that feeling?”  If the answer is no, RUN!  (Just kidding!)  If the answer is yes, move forward.  If you don’t know, wait.  You will know soon.

Allow life to disappoint you and when it does, turn inward, express gratitude for the lesson it is teaching you, take a deep breath, then decide what your next action step is based on the criteria above and charge forward!  Once you understand what the lesson is, the action steps become clear.  Trust yourself that you will make the right choice.  If it is coming from inside of you and is of good intention, it is always the right choice.  You could not have a desire or thought if it was not coming from your own soul.  Trust…believe…act!

“Let us remember that within us there is a place of immense magnificence.” ~Teresa of Avila

Charging forward with inner peace,


Chris Sopa is founder and owner of Chris Sopa International, Inc. You can learn more about her at Find her at, Twitter @ChrisSopa, LinkedIn, and .

Follow the Leader?

“Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” ~Muriel Strode, writer

A client of mine told me recently that she and her daughter went to see the new movie about Katy Perry and to her surprise, found it very inspiring.  I asked her what made it inspiring and she went on to tell me how when Katy Perry was “found,” many folks in the industry were trying to make her into a duplicate of one of the other already popular stars, such as Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne.  Katy insisted on not being a “second of somebody else” but a “first” Katy Perry.  As we all know, Katy Perry is a very good Katy Perry!  She was not afraid to be unique and most importantly, not afraid to be herself.

We all find ourselves throughout our lives in situations where we have to make a very important choice and the first thing we usually do is to seek the advice and counsel of others whom we trust.  We ask everyone what they think, how they feel and what they would do, often ignoring our own internal compass.  As we are growing up, other people’s opinions very much form how we see ourselves.  It is just human nature.  One day we finally realize that the view we have of ourselves and sometimes the entire life we are living was formed completely based on what other people thought we should do and we are nowhere to be found.

Doing what we feel is right free of outside influences is not as easy as it sounds.  We often get caught up in wanting to know ahead of time if the decision is the right one.  Somehow we think if others say it is so, then it must be true, not trusting our own feelings.  I like to call this an easy out because then if what we are pursuing doesn’t work out, guess what, it wasn’t our fault.  It was their fault because they were the ones who told us to do it in the first place, right?  The hardest thing about making choices is the big “R” word…Responsibility.  Once we make a choice, we must take responsibility for that choice.

Some rules of thumb for “good” choice-making:

  1. Define what you want and manifest your world free of the will of others and their influence.  What you think DOES matter!
  2. Have confidence in yourself and a higher power (whatever you may call your higher power – God, the Universe, Krishna, etc.).  This confidence allows you to relax and just be.
  3. Do not be afraid to be your true self.  It is so much easier to just be YOU than to try to be what you think everyone else expects you to be.  When you are being your true self, your life purpose easily unfolds right before your eyes.
  4. Be mindful of where you lose your power (when you suddenly feel differently in a negative way around a person, place or thing you have “lost your power”).  Cut cords with people, places, thoughts and situations that do not make you feel good.  These things are draining your energy and affecting your choices.
  5. Focus only on the moment.  Does the choice you are making now feel good in your gut?  There is a big difference between feeling like the right thing in your gut vs. feeling like the right thing because it is easy.  Check your feelings after you make the decision and see how you feel.  You will know down deep.  Be honest with yourself.
  6. Do not focus on the result.  I know that is contrary to what all of the business-minded people may think.  The result of any situation is ultimately not up to us.  Think about all of the situations in your life that have worked out due to synchronistic events or coincidences.  Could you have really planned and mastered all of that yourself?  Focus on the choice in the moment only.  The result will be whatever it will be and trust me, there is always a reason for why things work out the way they do.  The good or bad label we place on events is merely our own interpretation of the situation.
  7. Maintain mind control.  As Liz Gilbert so brilliantly said in “Eat, Pray and Love,” we need to choose our thoughts like we choose our clothes every day.  Master that and then you are onto something!
  8. Have faith.  Faith is a verb, not a noun.  If we always knew how every situation was going to turn out we would not need faith.  The known is knowledge; the unknown is faith.

Keep moving forward and lead your own parade.  Before you know it, others may be following YOU!

“As long as one keeps searching, the answers come.”
~Joan Baez, singer, songwriter and peace activist

Being my true self in the Scottsdale Starbucks,


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